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Sciatica vs. Herniated Disc: What Are the Differences?

Did you know that 40% of people will suffer from sciatica at some point in their lives? Sciatica can cause serious pain in the lower back and legs and can even be debilitating in some cases. A herniated disc can also cause debilitating pain in the same regions, but it is rooted in a different

Ayurveda eczema treatment

Is There a Permanent Cure for Eczema in Ayurveda? A Quick Guide

Eczema is one of the most irritating and persistent skin disorders a person might have to live with. Its causes are vast, and its medical treatments can be taxing and unreliable. Creams, pills, steroids, and doctor’s visits – all to relieve an unbearable itch underneath the skin. If you’re struggling, you may be looking for alternatives to

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