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Women's Health

A big part of women’s empowerment is taking charge of her health rather than letting things slide.

To begin with, women’s health differs from that of men in many unique ways. Women certainly plays a significant role in family and as well as in the society. So, her health is crucial in all aspects of life.

The difference

Above all, the anatomical and physiological aspects of male and female are different from each other. Likewise, certain diseases are also different. The reproductive and sexual health of a woman has a distinct difference compared to men’s health. Every woman unquestionably deserves to thrive!

The health of a woman is her total well being, in handling stress, getting good women’s health care and nurturing herself. The healing wisdom of Ayurveda guides women to balance their natural body rhythms which are closely linked to nature.

How Ayurveda can help ?

Some health problems can be unique to women. For example, dysmenorrhea, leucorrhoea, menopause and pregnancy. 

Treatment Solutions

Ayurveda offers amazing treatment solutions for all the problems like menopause, PMS, painful periods and heavy periods. Also cures vaginal dryness, periodic swelling and bloating, infertility or other problems of being a woman. Most importantly, Ayurveda has many useful herbs to manage the changes in the body right from puberty to menopause. In other words, women respond better to natural Ayurveda herbs and treatment. 

The ancient texts of Ayurveda describe these unique herbs and medicinal plants and their compound formulations. It can undeniably enhance the health and wellbeing of women.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome usually defines as a clinical syndrome. It is characterised by mild obesity, irregular menses or amenorrhea, hirsutism and acne. In most patients, the ovaries contain multiple cysts. Ovaries may enlarge with smooth, thickened capsules or may be normal size.


Oestrogen levels elevate, increasing risk of endometrial hyperplasia and eventually endometrial cancer. Androgen levels often elevate, increasing risk of metabolic syndrome and causing hirsutism. Over the long term, androgen excess increases risk of cardiovascular disorders, including hypertension.

Signs and symptoms

Symptoms typically begin during puberty and worsen with time.

• Mild obesity, hirsutism, and irregular menses or amenorrhea. Some women have other signs of virilization such as acne and temporal balding.

• Generally, areas of thickened, darkened skin may appear in the axillae, on the nape of the neck, and in skinfolds.

• Abundant cervical mucus, reflecting high estrogen levels.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome

• Herbal medicines to correct the menstrual cycles like kashaya(decoctions), herbal tablets and lehas
• Herbal treatments to balance the vitiated pitta and rakta
• Rasayanas (rejuvenative measures)
• Panchakarma treatments such as vasti


Menorrhagia is an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period at regular intervals. Generally, a blood loss of greater than 80 ml or lasting longer than 7 days constitutes menorrhagia.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for menorrhagia

Ayurveda offers effective treatment for this condition
• Herbal preparations like decoctions, herbal powders, medicated ghee etc. that balances increased rakta and pitta
• Seeta virya dravya prayoga (usage of cold potency drugs)
• Sthambana treatment- the herbal combinations that arrests bleeding
• Anemia treatment


Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for menstrual cramps.

It is markedly associated with lower abdominal pain – sharp or aching in nature or back pain.

Common symptoms of dysmenorrhea

Firstly, it is the aching pain in the abdomen. Also, feeling of pressure in the abdomen, pain in the hips, lower back, and inner thighs.

When cramps are severe, symptoms may include: Stomach upset, sometimes with vomiting and loose stools.

Ayurvedic treatment for dysmenorrhea

Ayurvedic line of treatment for dysmenorrhea are

• Herbal preparations that decreases imbalanced vata and kapha
• Katu rasa(pungent taste) together with ushna virya( hot in potency) herbs.
• Sroto sodhana group of drugs
• Herbal formulations such as decoctions, powders, ghee, arishta
• Avagaha type of swedana
• Panchakarma treatments such as virechana in particular.
• vasti – anuvasana and kashaya vasti


Endometriosis is the abnormal growth of endometrial cells outside the uterus. Endometrial implants are generally benign. The cells of endometriosis attach themselves to tissue outside the uterus and are called endometriosis implants.

Most common sites are ovaries, fallopian tubes, outer surfaces of uterus or intestines, and on the surface lining of pelvic cavity. Not only they can be found in the vagina, cervix, and bladder, but also, in less common locations like pelvis.

Rarely it can occur outside the pelvis, on the liver, in old surgery scars. Also, even seen in or around the lung or brain.

The prevalence

Endometriosis affects women in their reproductive years and is rare in postmenopausal women. The exact prevalence is not known because many women may have the condition without any symptoms. Estimates suggest that between 20% to 50% of women being treated for infertility have endometriosis. Morover, upto 80% of women with chronic pelvic pain may be affected.

Most cases of endometriosis are diagnosed in women aged around 25- 35 years. However, reports show girls as young as 11 years of age with endometriosis too. Delaying pregnancy until an older age is believed to increase the risk of developing endometriosis.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment of endometriosis

In ayurveda, endometriosis can be considered as ‘ashaya apakarshaka gati’.

• The line of treatment in ayurveda for endometriosis are
• Treatments to correct the imbalanced vata dosha in particular.
• Herbal formulations in the form of decoctions, tablets, leham, oil and medicated ghee
• Panchakarma treatments like virechana
• Rasayana / rejuvenative methods

Female infertility

Infertility is the failure to conceive (regardless of cause) after one year of unprotected intercourse. In addition, this condition affects approximately 10-15% of reproductive aged couples.


Primary infertility refers to couples who have not become pregnant after at least one year of unprotected sex. Whereas, secondary infertility refers to couples who have been pregnant at least once, but never again.

Requirements for normal reproduction:

• The ‘rutu kala’- Release of a normal preovulatory oocyte.

• Beeja (ovum and sperms)- Production of adequate spermatozoa. The beejas should be devoid of vitiation.

• Kshetra (female reproductive system)- Normal transport of gametes to the ampullary portion of the fallopian tube. Subsequent transport of the cleaving embryo into the endometrial cavity for implantation and development. The reproductive organ certainly, should be devoid of any diseases.

• Ambu (nourishment)- The role of umbilical cord and amniotic fluid in the fetal development obviously plays an important role.

• Vayu functions properly.

• The partners are healthy physically and psychologically.

• Above all, the couple should indulge in proper intercourse.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for infertility

• Sodhana (purificatory therapies)
• Snehanam
• Svedanam
• Panchakarma therapies such as vamana, virechana, niruha and anuvasana vasti.
• Uttara vasti- it is very beneficial in the infertility patients. It is superior in qualities, thus it is termed so.
• Yapana basti is very effective in particular conditions.
• Herbal medications like kashaya, ksheera kashayam, oil, herbal tablets and medicated ghee. To correct the imbalance of tridoshas especially vata dosha.

To sum up, Ayurveda is effective in managing women’s health issues.

These most certainly include:

• Pre menstrual syndrome (PMS)
• Vaginal candidiasis
• Urinary tract infections UTI
• Leucorrhea
• Uterine fibroids
• Antenatal care
• Post delivery mother care
• Mood swings
• Hot flushes
• Postmenopausal issues
• adenomyosis

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