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Have you ever had joint pain that was so severe you couldn’t move? Then you have a pretty good idea of how bursitis feels. Ironically, small, sac-like structures lined with tissue are responsible for this excruciating pain.

They’re called bursae and there are over 150 of them in your body. They’re usually found around bony protrusions and between muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones. When they become inflamed they can cause extreme discomfort around the joints.

If you have it, you’ll know and you’ll probably be looking for relief. One option you may want to consider is Ayurveda treatment.

Read on to find out what it is and learn some Ayurvedic treatment tips that may help relieve your pain.

Bursitis Explained

Damage to bursae can occur due to sudden or severe injury, or minor repetitive trauma. This can cause bursitis. The various activities that can lead to it may surprise you. They can include:

  • Leaning on your elbows for long periods
  • Falling on a joint
  • Excessive kneeling
  • Systemic diseases
  • Infections

Sports injuries or overuse play a crucial part in the development of bursitis.  The location of your injury usually determines the type of bursitis.

However, the most common type is Sub acromion bursitis. This is bursitis that occurs in the should joint. Other types include:

  • Pre-patellar Bursitis above the knee
  • Pes Anserine Bursitis between the skin and the patella
  • Infra-patellar Bursitis inflammation of patellar tendons
  • Olecranon Bursitis around the elbow
  • Trochanteric Bursitis at the lateral part of the hip

Symptoms may be more than pain only. They may include reduced range of motion, swelling, and redness at the site. Diagnosis usually occurs after a physical examination of the area.

The condition may worsen with age. This is due to less tolerance of stress on muscles and joints, as well as reduced elasticity.

Preventing Bursitis

Bursitis can be both an occupational or recreational hazard. Preventing it involves practising simple measures while at work or play.

If you work at a desk, you’ll need to be mindful of your posture. You should also limit resting on your elbows while working. If your job entails kneeling a lot, wear knee pads.

Before exercising warm up and stretch. If you run or walk, wear appropriate footwear and practice proper technique. Yoga and low impact exercises are also recommended.

If you do experience pain, try not to overuse the joint.

Treatment of Bursitis

If taking a break from using the joint isn’t relieving the problem it may be time to see your doctor. They may recommend the common treatment usually used for sports injuries – RICE:

  • Rest
  • Ice application
  • Compression
  • Elevation

This can reduce swelling and redness. Along with this, your doctor may also prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Options for more severe cases of bursitis may include local steroid injections. A surgical correction such as a bursectomy may also become necessary.

What is Ayurveda?

But before you decide on more invasive measures, consider a more holistic approach. This involves the use of Ayurveda treatments.

Developed in India more than 3,000 years ago, Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest natural medicine systems.

Its primary purpose isn’t to fight disease. But to maintain the balance of mind, body, and spirit to promote good health and wellness. However, there are Ayurvedic treatments geared toward specific health issues.

It’s based on the belief that every person encompasses five basic elements.

  • Space
  • Air
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Earth

Together they’re combined in the body to create three doshas. Doshas are energies or life forces that control the workings of your body.

Benefits of Ayurveda Treatment for Bursitis

An Ayurvedic practitioner will provide you with an Ayurvedic treatment guide. They will base it on your specific needs.

This takes into account your primary life force, and your physical and emotional construct. The plan will aim at creating a balance between all three.

With bursitis, the goal will be to correct the imbalance present in the Vata dosha. It will involve using herbal remedies to maintain balance and provide long-term relief.

This may include Patra Pinda Sweda. It’s used to treat painful conditions or degenerative diseases. The treatment induces sweat through the application of steam or heated herbal remedies. This helps to eliminate heaviness, stiffness, and coldness in the body.

Ayurvedic massages can also be beneficial. It helps to create balance in your body, mind, and spirit to help your body heal.

Lepana can complement these treatments to reduce inflammation and pain. It’s part of traditional Ayurveda and involves applying a herbal paste to the affected parts of the body. The paste’s ingredients will vary depending on the ailment.

Ayurvedic treatments can be extremely effective in reducing pain. This helps to increase function and mobility in the affected area. But it also does even more.

It helps to remove impurities from the body and boosts your body’s resistance to diseases. It also increases harmony and reduces stress.

Incorporating Ayurveda Into your Bursitis Treatment Plan

Where can I find Ayurvedic treatment near me? Chances are, you’ll be asking this if you’ve endured the pain of bursitis for a long time. You’ll be willing to try anything.

Ayurveda treatment has been around for years. It’s used as an alternative form of medicine when treating health issues.

It can give you the long-term relief you need from pain caused by bursitis. But it’s best to consult with an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner.

Ayurherbs Ayurveda Clinic has one with over 14 years of experience. We also provide a range of services to support your treatment plan. You don’t have to live in pain anymore. Book your appointment for a consultation today!


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