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It’s no secret that IBS is a tough condition to pin down. Irritable bowel syndrome is famously hard to diagnose, hard to treat, and hard to understand.

If you suffer from this sometimes debilitating ailment, you might be frustrated due to IBS treatments, unsympathetic doctors, and people not understanding your plight.

Thankfully, there’s an answer.

Conventional medicine doesn’t have many solutions for IBS. However, there are wonderful solutions in the world of alternative medicine. If you suffer from IBS, Ayurveda medicine might be right for you.

This article will walk you through five reasons you should try Ayurveda for IBS.

1. Ayurveda Is Natural

If you’re wondering — what is Ayurveda? and — does Ayurveda work? — you’ve come to the right place. Ayurveda is an ancient, efficient approach to health that originated in India.

Just like many other holistic medicines, Ayurveda treatments treat the body as connected to the mind and spirit. Ayurveda practitioners believe that the body has to maintain a balance of three “doshas” — vata, pitta, and dapha.


Vata is the key dosha in the treatment of IBS.

Vata focuses on the mobile parts of your body. It regulates all mental and physiological processes, such as respiration, blinking, heartbeat, and expelling wastes. A person who’s deficient in their vata dosha might be receptive to Ayurveda treatment for IBS.

While vata is the most important dosha to understand for IBS, it’s important to notes that illness can occur when any of the three doshas are out of balance. An Ayurveda practitioner will work to get all of your doshas in line.

2. Ayurveda Works With Medication

In conventional Western medicine, doctors treat IBS with medication. Ayurveda never focuses on medication, except for the prescription of natural herbs. Because of this, you can use Ayurveda alongside medication without fear of getting too much of either.

A combination of Western medicine and Ayurveda may be extra powerful in the fight against IBS. For example, a combination of Western medication can be combined with Ayurveda massage for massive results. This is similar to getting acupuncture, while also going to a more traditional physical therapy for pain.

It should be noted that sometimes, you might be taking more powerful herbs and tinctures with Ayurveda. Remember to always get these approved by your doctor before you proceed.

3. Ayurveda Provides Hope

While there are treatments for IBS in Western medicine, there is no “cure”. Because the specific causes of IBS are unknown, Western medicine considers the condition treatable, but not curable.

Ayurveda provides a different perspective.

Because all afflictions come from a dosha imbalance, the problem of finding the cause of IBS is solved. Ayurveda doesn’t need to know the specific cause of the disease to know that it can be treated through a balance of doshas. This perspective is infinitely more hopeful because it provides answers on how you can work to rid yourself of the disease.

Many patients of Ayurveda who seek to treat their irritable bowel syndrome have found that they’re more vata-dominant. Vata-dominant people are usually more creative, sensitive, and insular, but this also exposes them to the risk of IBS.

Using Ayurveda doesn’t only treat your condition, but provides a level of self-understanding that you don’t get from Western forms of medicine.

4. Ayurveda Can Reduce Stress

Because Ayurveda focuses on a holistic approach to health, you may see other areas of your life improve when you begin your treatment. Ayurveda emphasizes that many issues in the body might occur as a result of stress, so the practice encourages reducing stressors in your life.

This isn’t totally in contrast with Western medicine either. Stress has many known negative effects on the body, including things as dire as insomnia, heart disease, changes in appetite, skin problems, mental health problems, and gastrointestinal problems.

Ayurveda encourages various positions and life changes to reduce stress in your life. Reducing stress can increase feelings of hope in you because you learn to believe that your suffering isn’t in vain. Treating your IBS doesn’t feel like lost time, because it’s helping you achieve a greater, more fulfilled life on the whole.

5. Ayurveda Can Help You With Diet and Herbs

One of the most important things to be mindful of when you’re dealing with IBS is your diet. This works perfectly with Ayurveda because a large portion of Ayurveda treatment is diet management.

Ayurveda treatment that focuses on the reduction of the vata dosha centres on increasing salt intake, increasing intake of natural sweeteners, and making use of healthy herbs such as turmeric, coriander, cinnamon, and bay leaf.

After your digestive tract is built up strength-wise, you can start to work dairy products in. Gassy vegetables are usually avoided.

As you can see, Ayurveda works not just as a pill you can take, but as a change in lifestyle. Practising Ayurveda could mean changing your whole diet, getting massages, reducing stress, and knowing yourself better.

You get all of these things rolled up in one, so you don’t need to worry about constantly managing different doctors.

Ayurveda for IBS

IBS is a painful condition that Western medicine can’t seem to have lot to offer. While there are several treatments available in conventional medicine for IBS, they’re not guaranteed to cure the condition. It’s no wonder that many people have turned to Ayurveda for IBS.

Using Ayurveda for pain is one of the smartest things you can do if you have this condition. Once you think about the naturalness factor, how it works with medication, how it provides hope, how it can reduce stress, and how it can help you with diet, you’re well on your way to getting better.

If you’re ready to book an appointment, contact us today.

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