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Ayurvedic Medicine for piles
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About 50% of Australians suffer from hemorrhoids at some point in their lives, though not everyone seeks treatment.

Hemorrhoids, otherwise known as piles, are painful and debilitating. They had a direct link to your quality of life.

However, Ayurvedic medicine for piles could be the solution you’re looking for. Keep reading if you experience pain from piles and are looking for relief.

What are Piles?

Piles or hemorrhoids occur when the tissues, blood vessels, and muscle fibers in or around the anus become irritated and inflamed. They usually appear in clusters and develop internally or externally. Piles are painful, though in most cases, they resolve in a few days or weeks.

Some symptoms of piles are:

  • Bleeding during defecation
  • Pain while having a bowel movement
  • Lumps of tissue around the anus
  • Redness and itching around the anal area

Piles happen because of pressure on the rectum. Pregnant women are susceptible to piles as well as those who have constipation, poor eating habits, and old age.

Because several medical problems arise from these symptoms, it’s important to see your doctor to rule out other possible conditions.

What is Ayurveda Medicine?

Ayurveda medicine began in India about 5,000 years ago. The philosophy behind Ayurveda medicine is to treat the entire body and bring it back into balance. Its primary focus is to not treat any diseases, but to make sure the person stays healthy and whole by staying connected to the universe.

People who practice Ayurveda believe there are five elements present in every person: air, water, fire, earth, and space, and when combined they make up energy (or body type) called dosha. Vatta dosha is space and air, Pitta dosha is fire and water, and Kapha dosha is earth and water.

When one of these doshas is out of alignment, you can remedy it through diet, herbal treatments, or make other appropriate changes.

Though Ayurveda medicine is practiced here in Australia, it’s not the primary method of medicine, but more of a complementary or alternative method.

Which Dosha are You?

Treating piles with Ayurvedic medicine is likely to be different than traditional medicine. Expect to use herbs, and you may even need to make some lifestyle modifications or take medications.

First, you’ll need to determine which dosha you are. This can help manage your piles more effectively.

Pittas may have hemorrhoids that are bleeding, soft and are accompanied by fever, diarrhea, and even excessive thirst.

Kaphas have difficulty with digestion and their hemorrhoids can be large and white.

Vatas might experience much pain from constipation and may have hemorrhoids that are black.

Once you’ve determined your dosha, your practitioner can start treating and making recommendations to help heal your piles and the unbalance in your body.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Piles

Though turning to Ayurvedic treatment to help control piles might be of some value. Here is some Ayurvedic remedy for piles you may want to try.

1. Lifestyle changes will likely be the recommended course for piles. Your practitioner may suggest eating a variety of certain foods that are high in fiber to decrease discomfort while having a bowel movement. You might need to avoid spicy foods, coffee, and alcohol and other fatty foods that contribute to inflammation or unbalance.

The foods your practitioner chooses for your diet will be catered to you. The goal is to keep things moving and avoid constipation which makes piles worse.

2. Medications are a common way to treat hemorrhoids, and certain medications are recommended for use in Ayurveda medicine. However, these medications need to align with your dosha. Hemorrhoids that are not severe are usually treated with medications.

3. One of the highlights of Ayurvedic medicine is using herbs to treat ailments like Haritaki or Jimikand. Using herbs is an ancient practice because herbs have healing powers that can benefit any part of the body.

There are specific herbs your practitioner may use to help manage or treat your hemorrhoids and the type they use will depend largely on what kind of hemorrhoids you have. Witch hazel is a common herb uses to treat and soothe piles and one that you can incorporate at home easily.

4. Always use the restroom when you need to, and resist the urge to hold bowel movements. Doing so will cause hemorrhoids to be even more uncomfortable.

5. Another lifestyle change your practitioner may suggest is exercising and drinking plenty of water. Water flushes out your system and prevents dehydration. Getting enough exercise keeps your digestive system moving and can make bowel movements much easier.

Why Consider Ayurveda for Hemorrhoids

There are a few reasons why you might choose to treat your hemorrhoids with Ayurveda medicine.

First, it is not as invasive as other procedures. Because of this, there is very little downtime involved.

The procedures are not time-consuming, and you can go back to work within days.

It ushers in a healthier lifestyle. Most likely, after your treatment, you’ll need to have dietary changes and introduce more foods with fiber. This means you’ll reap the benefits of whole foods for your entire body.

Ayurveda for Piles: A Balanced Solution

Ayurvedic medicine for piles is a great solution to a problem that causes much pain and embarrassment. With the right practitioner, you could be pain-free and feeling better in no time with natural solutions.

Are you interested in Ayurvedic medicine and if it might be right for you? Contact our office today and speak to someone about scheduling a consultation. Start your wellness journey with Ayurvedic medicine today.

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